Four the love of paws
Meet our fur babies
Four the love of paws
Meet our fur babies
Meet our fur babies
Meet our fur babies
We are a small family run breeding buissiness who fell in love with the temperment and breeds of these beautiful dogs. We have over 30 years of experience. We believe that all dogs, even thoses training and knowledge of best breeding prectices. Our dream is that every home gets to experience the love and happiness the perfect dog can bring.
We have created a community for our dogs. Our dogs are all raised in homes where they are well socialized and trained by their furrever family.
We are a kennel free ethical breeding company. ALL of our dogs are house pets, NO Kennels, NO Barns!
Our Promise-
When you purchase a Paw Doodle Perfection Pup, you are guaranteed health of the d
We have created a community for our dogs. Our dogs are all raised in homes where they are well socialized and trained by their furrever family.
We are a kennel free ethical breeding company. ALL of our dogs are house pets, NO Kennels, NO Barns!
Our Promise-
When you purchase a Paw Doodle Perfection Pup, you are guaranteed health of the dog for one year. We have family support and communication with other members of the Paw Doodle Perfection family for a lifetime.
We are passionate about the breeds of dogs in our breeding program. Each dog is hand picked based on genetics and temperament. Our goal is to provide homes with quality dogs .
All our puppies are born in our hands and handled daily. To ensure our pups are getting the best, we implement Early Neurological Stimulation and raise puppies wit
We are passionate about the breeds of dogs in our breeding program. Each dog is hand picked based on genetics and temperament. Our goal is to provide homes with quality dogs .
All our puppies are born in our hands and handled daily. To ensure our pups are getting the best, we implement Early Neurological Stimulation and raise puppies with puppy culture protocols. This helps to ensure that your puppy is meeting each stage of development with confidence and creates well adjusted pups.
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Merle Colour
Finding the perfect pet
We are proud to announce the arrival of our Airedoodle puppies. There are 10 puppies to choose from. 4 boys and 6 girls. These puppies are from our beloved Trixie and will be her only litter. Trixie and Moty created the most beautiful black and tan puppies. They all have the same adorable colours.
Price: $2,700
Dad: 68 LBS
Mom: 43 pms
* Pictures of dad upon request
Joey is a two year old 100% Bernese Mountain Dog.
He comes from CKC registered parents
OAP- Hip Clear
Embark Tested
Proven Stud to several healthy litters
Joey is a stud in our program. He is calm, gentle and eager to please. Joey has been raised in a home with a busy family and is used to babies and small children. Joey is unaware of his size and will often attempt to crawl into your lap for snuggles.
Height: 26 inches
Weight: 90 lbs
Airedoodles- Due January 22, 2022
Mom- Trixie 35 lb pure Airedale terrier
Dad- Morty- Pure Phantom Standard Poodle
Mini Aussiedoodles- Due March 3, 2022
Mom- Zoe- Pure Australian Shepard 35 lbs
Dad- Norman- mini chocolate poodle 10 lbs
Zoe is a beautiful Marle Australian Shepherd. She is fully health tested and cleared for breeding. Zoe lives with her amazing guardian family in Kitchener, ON. She is a year old and has the most amazing temperament. She is full of love and snuggles. Zoe has an extremely calm personality.
Trixie is a two year Airedale Terrier. She is a sweet gentle girl who is intelligent and smart. Trixie currently resides in Waterloo, ON with her guardian family which consists of three humans, two dogs and three cats.
Meet Bellisima AKA Stella
She is a future mother for our breeding program. Stella lives in a loving guardian home in Elora, ON. She is CKC registered and fully health tested. Stella loves living where there is space to run, she enjoys walks and dog parks. Stella love attention and snuggles. Stay Tuned for Stella's up coming litters.
She is expected to have her first litter in 2022.
Meet Luna- Silver Standard poodle
Luna is fully health tested . She has the most gentle and calm personality. Luna currently lives in Kitchener, ON. with her loving family and sister Suki. She was born on Valentine's Day 2021. She is highly intelligent and extremely loyal to her family. She loves kids and other dogs.
Meet Suki
Suki is fully health tested . She has the most gentle and calm personality. She spends her day at school helping students of all ages. She currently lives in Kitchener, ON. with her loving family and sister Luna. She is very friendly and calm. She loves kids and other dogs.
Meet Callie Coco
Callie is a five month old puppy. She is Joey Bears first litter. She will be a momma when she is old enough. Callie currently lives with her guardian family in Cambridge and has been featured on a calendar. She is extremely intelligent and was easy to train. Callie is spoiled and loved so much by her human family.
Meet Molly
Molly is a beautiful Fb2 Golden doodle. Her happy personality brightens up everyone's day. Molly lives with the guardian home family in Collingwood. She enjoys swimming and hiking. Molly is expected to have her first litter in June 2022.
( 2 years old)
Meet Cocoa Bean
Cocoa Bean is a 7 month old chocolate standard poodle. She is in training and awaiting her guardian furever home. She will be a future mommy in our program. Cocoa learns very quickly and loves to cuddle. She prefers to be close to her humans at all times. She gets along well with other dogs kids.
Meet Ellie
Ellie is a 5 month old parti standard poodle. She has amazing greenish eyes. She loves to cuddle and go on hikes with her guardian family in Elora.
Phone meetings and zoom meeting are available for interviews
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